Parent Group Board

All Board Member positions should be filled and their role and duties understood. Committee chairpersons should be in place and have their committee contacts and objectives.


Teachers are an important part of the Parent Teacher Organization. As Teachers, it is beneficial to work with the parents for planning purposes to ensure the PTO group compliments the mission of the school and classroom.

Parents and Families

Today, being involved in your child's school life is critically important. Being part of your PTO is a great way to stay informed and involved.

Your Parent Group

Talk with your principal, district and attorney - know the laws of your state.

Tax Information - IRS

Information about how to apply for IRS recognition of tax-exempt status. • Annual Reporting & Filing 990-series forms, requirements, and filing tips • Revoked? Reinstated? • EO Select Check • Educational Products, Workshops and Seminars for Exempt Organizations • How to Stay Exempt

Non-Profit Organizations

• Research, write a plan, incorporate. •Establish Your Name • File your Incorporation Paperwork • Apply for Non-Profit Federal and State Tax Exemptions • Create Corporate Bylaws • Appoint Initial Directors and Hold your First Board Meeting • Get Necessary Licenses, Permits

501(c)(3) Exemption

Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.

Getting To It

Create By-Laws for your group, Write up the Forms, Make sure there are Position Descriptions for the Board and Committees, Align your Communications (emails, website, social media, flyers, etc.), Decide on your group's Goals, Make and Execute your Plans, Start Fundraising.

Managing Volunteers

Volunteers are donating their time, they are not employees...

It is vital to remember this. It will make your life easier. It can sometimes be frustrating when we might set high expectations for something or someone and when it comes time for them to be the volunteer, their thoughts may be different then what you had in mind. Parent Volunteers are helping out to be a part of their child's school experience. They want to contribute. So do yourself a favor and be thankful they are involved - keep the communication line open and the task clear. It will serve all much better.

  • Ask for volunteers through communications and at open house.
  • Be sure to follow up with them, even if what they volunteered for is full.
  • Give clear instruction on the objective.
  • Remember to thank them and see if there is anything else they would like to participate in.
As a parent leader of your child's school, there are many rewards and benefits that impact your school community. What you do is very important and should compliment the mission of your school and district. Keep open communication with your school principal.
  • Discuss ideas with principal
  • Keep communication open
  • Stay on objective
  • Follow up - review
Goals to be Accomplished: At the start of the school and throughout the year at your board meetings, it is important to first come up with the goals you want to accomplish as a group and then review them regularly.
  • Brainstorm as a board
  • Be open to hear from all group members
  • Vote if need be
  • Write up your goals and inform all
Executing your goals and all of your events takes planning. Being organized, following through and keeping up good communication are all important ingredients to ensure a smooth process and a successful year. Not only is making and following a plan for the year essential, but a long term outlook can be very beneficial as well. Especially when working towards larger projects such as playscapes, technology, etc.
  • Review your goals
  • Prioritize
  • Write a plan
  • Execute



Raise Money for your Purpose

There are many ways to get the funds you need to fulfill your objectives. Do what is right for your group.

Field Trips

Support Field Trips

Talk with teachers to see if they could use your support and talk with your principal.

Cultural Arts


Bring culture and educational events to your school. Compliment a current theme.


Support Needs

Whether it be a new playground, smartboards, tablets, special events, teachers, etc.

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